VEXGo TechnoCamp


Course Description

Robotics is not only the future, it is also the present. By familiarizing students with automation, programming, and sensors, they hone critical computational thinking skills needed to succeed in both the 21st century's workforce and in everyday life.

Beyond science and engineering principles, VEX Robotics solutions encourage creativity, teamwork, leadership, passion, and problem-solving among groups. That’s why VEX is committed to advancing robotics education as leaders in STEM, making it easy to implement and being your partner along the way!

Morning & Afternoon - Current 2nd through Incoming 6th

Seats are FILLING UP FAST - Don't miss this!

Sample Day Schedule

Parents/Guardians must walk in and check students in the first day.

9:00-9:15  Check-In and Group Activity

9:15 - 10:15 Activity Build/Challenge

10:15-10:30  Snack Break

10:30-11:45 Activity/Challenge

11.45 -12:00 Clean Up  & Dismissal 


1:00 -1:15 Check-In and Group Activity

1:15-2:15  Activity Build/Challenge

2:15 - 2:30 Snack Break

2:30 -3:45   Activity/Challenge

3:45 - 4:00  Clean Up and Dismissal

**The last day of camp is "Parent Showcase Day".  You will receive the information when you check your child in the first day.  WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!!**


What is the VEX Go Robotics System?

The VEX Go Robotics system is a complete erector style robotics kit made of specialized pieces, sensors, motors, and a specialized CPU for students to learn about building and coding robotics.

Do I need to bring a VEX Go Kit?

No, NISD will provide VEX Go kits for students to use at camp.

Does get my child get to keep the VEX Go kit?

Unfortunately, the VEX Go kits are for classroom use only. 

Does my child need to have any programming or robotics experience to enroll in this robotics engineering camp?

No, this camp curriculum is designed for students from beginner level to advanced level. Students with no experience will be given an introduction into both robotics & programming.

Is a snack or lunch provided at NISD TechnoCamps?

No.  VEX Go is an all day camp.  Please bring enough food for 2 snacks/drinks breaks and a bagged lunch.

What will my child learn in this VEX Go summer camp?

Students will learn to build, design, and program their robots through a variety of challenges. Students will learn to include sensors, motors, and gears, and complex mechanisms into their designs to complete multiple robotics engineering challenges. Students will also learn the engineering iterative process to completing a new challenge. This camp is also good practice for students looking to participate in campus robotics clubs.  .

My child is not within the age range of this camp. Is this camp appropriate for my child?

The age ranges provided are for informational and guidance purpose only. We feel that parents are the ultimate judge of where their child will comfortable. If parents are uncertain, we encourage parents to call us for appropriate recommendations on placement of their kids.